Daily Word

Jailer and family freed | Acts 16:31-34

 31 And they said, “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.” 32 And they spoke the word of the Lord to him and to all who were in his house. 33 And he took them the same hour of the night and washed their wounds; and he was baptized at once, he and all his family. 34 Then he brought them up into his house and set food before them. And he rejoiced along with his entire household that he had believed in God.

Acts 16:31-34 (ESV) 中文


Paul and Silas are on the second missionary journey – sent by the church in Antioch. God directed them to new territory in Macedonia, modern-day Europe. Timothy and Luke (the author) have joined them. In Philippi the first Europeans converted to Christ. Paul & Barnabas are persecuted in jail, are miraculously freed and then the jailer recognizes the power at work, receives conviction of sin, then seeks to be saved himself. 

Jailer & family freed

And just as God freed Paul and Barnabas from the physical jail, He now frees the jailer and his whole household from the spiritual jail of sin. “Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved”, is a very simplified statement of the essence of the gospel message. And Jesus preached, “Repent and believe.” (Mark 1:14–15) Though the gospel message is more involved, it boils down to this simple command.

Cleansing 2 ways

Just like the release of Paul and Barnabas represented the jailor’s freedom from sin through salvation, his cleansing of their wounds from infection represented the baptism they received. It was a symbolic cleansing from sin – for him and his whole household. 

Let’s eat

A good host must serve food to his guests. Remember, it was the middle of the night so they maybe had to fire up the oven to prepare some food. No McDonald’s or Chinese restaurant down the street. But it was more than that; it was a time of celebration. They realized the tremendous life change they had experienced and the wonderful grace. 


  • Isn’t it amazing how God works in different people? Paul would have never imagined the jailor would come to faith – let alone be interested in the gospel. But God has other plans. Are we open to and looking for opportunities to share the good news with others? It may be the least likely person you know who is interested and being called by God. Take a look.
  • Let’s not try to make the gospel too complicated. Let’s also make sure we stay true to it. People need to know they are sinners and their sin separates them from a holy God…for eternity. No good works can ever fix that – only the good work of Jesus on the cross. For more, click here.
Prisonor in jail. Image from Pxfuel.com

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