Sometimes, we hit what seem like dead ends in ministry. Paul thought he did so switched focus. Jews believed – even the synagogue leader! God will work with us.
Monthly Archives: June 2024
Tent making missions | Acts 18:1-4
Paul planned to be in Corinth for a while so he found work as a tent-maker. While he worked, he also went to the synagogues to do his mission work.
Resurrection Roadblock | Acts 17:32-34
Paul got through 2 minutes of his speech. But when he said Jesus rose from the dead, he was done. Scoffing began. Why? The resurrection is a real roadblock.
2 minute gospel | Acts 17:22-31
Is 2 minutes enough to share the gospel and see someone saved? Not likely. It takes time. The Spirit must draw the person. They need to understand that they…
Paul appalled | Acts 17:16-21
Paul was appalled by the amount of idolatry he saw there in Athens. This stirred his heart and caused him to diligently seek a way to impact their society.
Eager-beaver Bereans | Acts 17:10-15
R U more like a Thessolanican or a Berean in your learning the Word? We don’t want to be “critical” and reject everything – but discern what we are being taught
What’s your MO? | Acts 17:1-9
What is your MO? Are you faithful in Christian disciplines like attending church, worship, fellowship, giving, witnessing, etc? Is there evidence of your faith?
Right to demand rights? | Acts 16:35-40
Have your rights have been trampled? Consider prayerfully how to respond. Err on the side of grace and love. And trust the Righteous Judge to make things right.
Jailer and family freed | Acts 16:31-34
Just as God freed Paul and Barnabas from the physical jail, He now frees the jailer and his whole household from the spiritual jail of sin.
Casting out consequence | Acts 16:22-30
In our gospel sharing, who does the work? Surely we have a part, but the “heavy lifting”, the real work, is the Holy Spirit. That’s where the power lies!