Can you imagine what it must have been like when the women recognized Jesus?! Their joy must have been like an old garden hose that’s squirting water all over.
Monthly Archives: February 2024
Grief to joy | Matthew 28:1-7
Can you imagine their emotional shock?! Their grief is eclipsed by fear of the angels while joy is rising like the warm sun as they see the empty tomb.
Was there a resurrection? | Matthew 27:62-66
The physical resurrection of Jesus Christ is a proven fact. There is much corroborating evidence. Lee Stroble documents it in his book, Case for Christ.
Using your resources | Matthew 27:57-61
Take a quick assessment of how you are using your resources. Your money, time, talent, abilities, and gifts. God is likely speaking to you right now about it!
Where were the men? | Matthew 27:55-56
My guess is they were too afraid for their own lives. It is certainly natural. But it’s worthwhile stressing that this is before the filling of the Holy Spirit.
What could be better? | Matthew 27:51-54
This is wonderful news! God has always been present and loving people but there was a barrier of sin keeping mankind from His presence…and consequently, Heaven.
What could be worse? | Matthew 27:45-50
Jesus experienced separation from the Father, the worst of all suffering. But unsaved readers beware, you will face separation from God also – forever.
If He came down | Matthew 27:38-44
Why didn’t Jesus do as they said and come down from the cross. That would have proved He is Messiah right? They’d all believe, just like they say here, yes?
Jesus ain’t no sissy | Matthew 27:33-37
Jesus didn’t want to diminish the pain of suffering on the cross in any way; He wanted to bear the full brunt of it. Jesus was not a sissy or wimp!
Take up your cross | Matthew 27:32
We take up our cross *daily*. It’s a constant decision. At each decision point in life, even during the day, we should choose to deny ourselves.