Regardless of our end times theology, we should be living like sheep. We should seek to bless and serve the “least of these”. We serve Christ by serving them.
Monthly Archives: January 2024
Judgment is coming | Matthew 25:31-33
Are you ready for the judgment? It is not just a future event. “And just as it is destined for people to die once, and after this comes judgment” (Hebrews 9:27)
The worthless 1 | Matthew 25:24-30
What character flaw is reflected by this slave – which we need to watch out for in ourselves? He knew his master’s character and feared – being punished. Lazy.
Joy of your master | Matthew 25:14-23
Therefore, when salvation was designed by God, the aim of it was to bring redeemed human beings into that very pleasure.” So: “Enter the joy of your master.”
The foolish 5 | Matthew 25:1-13
How can you prepare yourself for the groom (Jesus) coming? As we discussed before, it is going to happen, the Bible is clear. Choose today if you will be ready.
Faithful & wise servant | Matthew 24:45-51
Jesus today is asking the same question, “Who then is the faithful and wise servant?” Is it you? Is it me? Are we being faithful and wise while we wait?
On the alert! | Matthew 24:42-44
What comes to mind when you hear a call to “be on the alert”? It’s not just being aware of situations. “On alert” implies some sort of impending danger.
Jesus doesn’t know? | Matthew 24:36-41
Can Jesus not know? Christian doctrine states Jesus is both fully God and fully man. Theologically it’s called the hypostatic union.
Which generation? | Matthew 24:32-35
Which generation is Jesus referring to? There are many different ideas. Is it the generation of His disciples and tied to the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70?
More Signs of His coming | Matthew 24:29-31
When we look at His first coming, we see it as “obvious”. But hindsight is usually 20/20. What’s the bottom line? Be ready!