In order to answer the question about divorce, Jesus first reminds them, through Scripture, what marriage was designed to be.
Monthly Archives: November 2023
Forgive as forgiven | Matthew 18:23-35
Though this parable provides many teaching points, (like we all like the wicked slave), we can’t miss the main point. Which is? Forgive as we’ve been forgiven.
Enough is enough | Matthew 18:21-22
Peter asks, “When is enough enough?” In other words, When is it time to stop forgiving and start punching? The common practice was to forgive 3 times.
Vending machine god | Matthew 18:18-20
Have you interpreted any of these verses in a way that might be different from its intended use? Is God your vending machine? Carefully review the passage.
Church correction | Matthew 18:15-17
Go to the person who sinned directly. It’s less threatening and protects them (and you). It’s also wise to hear the other person out (Proverbs 18:13).
Keep from perishing | Matthew 18:12-14
Isn’t this comforting? God is “all in” on this! It is His will that none should perish; He will “pull all the stops” to bring this one back to the fold.
Guardian angels | Matthew 18:10
In regard to humans is angels are, “ministering spirits, sent out to provide service for the sake of those who will inherit salvation” (Hebrews 1:14).
Cut it off! | Matthew 18:7-9
Now we can’t remove our hearts so what do we do? Practice Psalm 139:23-24. Ask the Lord to reveal our sin and wicked ways & lead us in the way of righteousness.
New in the faith | Matthew 18:5-6
Jesus commands us in Matthew 28:19 to make disciples. You don’t need to pray about it – other than asking God to lead and equip you. Just do it.
What is great? | Matthew 18:1-4
More importantly, He wants them to know they shouldn’t be thinking about who is great, but what makes someone great. And it’s not as the world thinks.