There is a final judgment. All mankind will be judged. Good works will never be enough to meet God’s perfect, holy, standard. Which fish are you?
Monthly Archives: September 2023
What’s it worth? | Matthew 13:44-46
What is it worth? What is salvation worth to us? Are we thinking with an eternal perspective? Do we give our all for it? FAITH: Forsaking All I Trust Him.
Wheat and weeds explained | Matthew 13:36-43
What is the point of the wheat and weeds parable? Do you know what each represents? Maybe you are one of them? You should hope so. But you _can_ know. How?
Mustard seed Kingdom | Matthew 13:31-35
It starts small then becomes big – against all odds since a mustard seed usually produces a bush, not a tree. It also spreads to have an impact everywhere.
Separating wheat and weeds | Matthew 13:24-30
A harvest is coming, a final judgment, when all mankind will be judged. The wicked shall be burned and the righteous will be collected and stored for later use.
Blessed to see and hear | Matthew 13:16-17
esus told us that some have been granted (by grace) to know Heavenly mysteries and others haven’t been. If we could understand why, we would be equal with God.
Why parables? | Matthew 13:10-15
These additional comments help us understand that it has to do more with the individual’s response to God than God’s decision to withhold information.
Parable of Sower | Matthew 13:3-9, 18-23
But the long term goal of this planting and growing is what? To produce fruit (John 15:16). To accomplish this, first, the Word of God must be understood.
Parables begin | Matthew 13:1-2
Jesus changes His teaching style to parables. “He told them many things in parables” (v3). Most people know Jesus spoke in parables.
True family in God | Matthew 12:46-50
His point here is not to diss His own family, but to teach that His family is spiritual made up of all who will do “the will of My Father who is in heaven”.