Mayhem erupts as they both realize Jacob had just deceived Isaac and stole Esau’s blessing. Esau had been bamboozled again by Jacob!
Monthly Archives: February 2023
Deception discharged | Genesis 27:26-29
Jacob, dressed as Esau and with animal skins on his neck and hands, outright lies to his blind father about who he is and he falls for it hook, line and sinker”
Deceiver in action | Genesis 27:18-25
Jacob probably used the promise and calling of God as an excuse for sin; he justified it to himself by saying his sinful conduct acted towards the fulfillment..
How to steal a blessing | Genesis 27:5-17
Do you find yourself guilty of doing the same – of trying to “help God” do His work? Taking matters into your own hands to make things happen?
Intended blessing | Genesis 27:1-4
Isaac intended to bless Esau. Most note that Isaac is more pleased with Esau and his “rough and ready”, outdoorsy spirit as stated in (Genesis 25:28) than Jacob
Rebellious rogue | Genesis 26:34-35
As well, this information about Esau seems to reveal his rebellious and sinful character first seen in the mutton story and confirmed in Hebrews 12:16.
Confirmation of blessing | Genesis 26:26-33
Digging a well and finding water served to confirm Isaac in his selection of a place to settle and his means to get there through peace, and trust in the Lord.
Isaac Calls on the Lord | Genesis 26:23-25
And when God appears, Isaac responds immediately by calling on the name of the Lord and pitching his tent there – meaning he started living there.