Of course God knew Jacob’s vulnerability. God makes it clear to Laban that he is not to mess with His (chosen) boy: “You mess with him, you mess with Me”.
Monthly Archives: February 2023
Setting out | Genesis 31:14-21
Jacob doesn’t talk to Laban about his plan. Rather, he just secretly hit the road. He gets his whole troop across the river and hits the open road.
Jacob acknowledges God | Genesis 31:4-12
At the end of the dream, the Lord revealed Himself -that He is the same who appeared to Jacob when he left Cannan. The Lord reminds Jacob of his conditional vow
I will be with you | Genesis 31:1-3
Now the Lord speaks to him directly and tells him to leave Haram and return home. God’s message to Jacob: “I will be with you.”
Trickster is tricked | Genesis 30:37-43
It’s difficult to see how God would work in these schemes. But we must keep in mind that He has a will and a plan and will carry it out.
Born cheat | Genesis 30:31-36
Before Jacob could go through the flocks (per the agreement), Laban takes all the non-white animals and moves them a 3-day’s distance away from Jacob
Time to go | Genesis 30:25-30
and Rachel) plus two servants, food and lodging. Now he’s ready to get outta Dodge and get back home. He asks for Laban’s formal sendoff.
His ways are higher | Genesis 30:22-24
If you’re baffled by God’s grace in this situation, join the club. I have to go back to Isaiah 55:8-9 to settle my weary mind on this matter.
God works despite sin | Genesis 30:14-21
How can God still work in such a messed up, sinful situation where there’s a huge lack of faith and devotion to Him? How can we explain it? Mercy and grace.
Race for sons | Genesis 30:1-13
Leah had children because God saw she was unloved and opened her womb (Gen 29:31). But Rachel’s womb has not been opened by the Lord. Now the race is on.