His perseverance pays off. Not only did he avoid conflict, through his patience and fortitude, God allowed him to finally find favor with the locals.
Monthly Archives: January 2023
Not so well | Genesis 26:12-18
Eventually, the king ordered Isaac to leave. They couldn’t handle his affluence. They perceived he was becoming a threat. Things were not so well after all.
Famine of Faith | Genesis 26:6-11
Isaac lied about his wife – saying she was his sister, not his wife. Why? Same reason. Living out of fear rather than faith. Call it a famine of faith.
Following father’s footsteps | Genesis 26:1-5
As in Abraham’s time, a famine struck the land. As with Abraham, Isaac decided to move to avoid the famine. Like Abraham, he didn’t seek the Lord.
Despising a birthright | Genesis 25:27-34
For his part, Esau demonstrated a complete disregard for the spiritual inheritance. He indicated he had no relationship with God and didn’t care.
Love of a husband | Genesis 25:19-26
In comparison, we see Isaac, the promised son, having no word from God and with no son for almost 20 years. What does he do?
Ishmael interlude | Genesis 25:12-18
Ishmael, as God promised, had sons – 12 of them. Just like Isaac’s son, Jacob, will have twelve sons. These became the Arabs of today, most of whom are Muslim.
Mission accomplished | Genesis 25:1-11
As God’s chosen to start “the people of God”, Abraham had 1 unique purpose that provided the context for his faith exploits – the birth of and raising of Isaac.
Consummation of His will | Genesis 24:62-67
At long last the epic journey of faith is concluded. The prize is provided by God’s faithfulness. He brings her into Sarah’s tent to consummates the marriage.
Quick concurrence to God’s | Genesis 24:50-61
Rebekah’s concurrence is quick as well. She’s asked if she’s willing – not just to go (since that had already been decided) – but to go immediately.