Bad “luck” for the kings of Sodom and Gomorrah who got stuck in the tar pits (but somehow escaped – tomorrow). Bad “luck” for Lot. Or was it rather, bad choice?
Monthly Archives: December 2022
Re-affirmation of Promise | Genesis 13:14-18
God waited for Abram to resolve the issue with Lot before He spoke with Abram again. Was this to allow Abram to re-evaluate the Lord’s promise to bless him?
Good decisions, bad choices | Genesis 13:8-13
Rather than trust the Lord, he trusted his flesh. He made a bad choice. Though Lot is called righteous (2 Peter 2:7-8), he was as sinful as the rest of us.
Mercy and Grace to Abram | Genesis 13:1-7
Does God excuse Abram’s sin? Absolutely not. In mercy, He forgives it. He goes beyoned & demonstrates grace and blesses him with material wealth and prosperity.
Abram’s faith fails | Genesis 12:10-20
He fears for his life and trusts in his wife! Why did he fail? Is there some relation to the fact of the famine? Did that cause Abram to start to fear?
Abram’s faith test | Genesis 12:4-9
As Abram traveled, he did something significant to build his relationship with the Lord. He built altars and “called on the name of the Lord”.
Blessed to bless | Genesis 12:1-3
Abram was blessed to bless. It wasn’t to be kept to himself. It meant God had a purpose for his life. You have been blessed. How are you sharing that blessing?
The man Abraham | Genesis 11:27-32
Now we get to the story of 1 of the most well-known patriarchs of the Old Testament, the man of amazing faith. Abraham (originally Abram) comes on the scene.
Descendents of Shem | Genesis 11:10-26
The Babel account is not the end of early Genesis. If it were, the story would end on the sad note of human failure. But God’s grace once again supersedes sin
Strong push | Genesis 11:1-9
The Lord saw this and took action. He didn’t need to “come down”. What does it tell us? It’s God’s play on v4, “Come, let’s build” – as if He’s mocking them.