6 The Lord says, “Come away! Flee from Babylon in the land of the north, for I have scattered you to the four winds. 7 Come away, people of Zion, you who are exiled in Babylon!”
Zechariah 2:6-7 (NLT)
Out of mercy, God appeals to / warns the Jews still living in Babylon to get off their butts and get out of Babylon and back to Jerusalem. Why? The blessing was to be in Jerusalem where the temple would be rebuilt and God would be present. Also, He was about to punish Babylon for their harsh treatment of His chosen people.
As a prophecy, this likely has another fultiment in mind – like last century when the Jews were restored to Jerusalem with their own country from every corner of the earth. There’s probably a future fulfilment when Christ returns again.
Why delay?
Why didn’t all the Jews leave when Cyrus gave the decree back in Ezra 1? JFB Commentary provides some reasons, including: “(1) unbelief; (2) their land had long lain waste, and was surrounded with bitter foes; (3) they regarded suspiciously the liberty of return given by Cyrus and Darius, as if these monarchs designed suddenly to crush them; (4) their long stay in Babylon had obliterated the remembrance of their own land; (5) the wealth and security there contrasted with Judea, where their temple and city were in ruins.”
God’s call to you
Is the Spirit prompting you to take some action? Maybe you don’t need a prophet to tell you. We have His Word and the Spirit inside us. Get off your butt and, in faith, take action!