Maybe they are, to some extent. But they are following the letter of the law, not the spirit of the law. They are missing the forest for the trees.
Tag Archives: tithe
Melchizedek High Priest | Genesis 14:17-20
Hebrews makes it clear he is a type of Christ.”Some propose that Melchizedek was actually a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ, or a Christophany.”
Reform 3-Restore the tithe | Nehemiah 13:10-14
The tithe was forsaken and the space for storing the tithe was given to the enemy. The main issue was, “the Temple of God [was being] neglected”.
Providing for priests| Nehemiah 12:44-47 (NLT)
How do we take care of our priests (pastors and church workers and missionaries)? Are we exuberant about the opportunity to support them and their work?
Laws of Firsts | Nehemiah 10:35-37
Recognize all good gifts come from God, then trust that He blesses those who acknowledge this by giving back to Him, in faith out of gratefulness.
Temple Tithe | Nehemiah 10:32-34
They promised to pay the temple tithe. It was a practical means to support upkeep of the temple and the activities associated with worship – like offerings.