How do we prepare for the end? We work diligently to be found spotless and blameless when He returns (at the rapture, or our own death). And to be peaceful.
Tag Archives: spiritual disciplines
Tapping into the Power | 2 Peter 1:3
Are we persevering through difficulties? A big part of persevering is keeping in the Word and prayer. And fellowshipping with others who seek the Lord
Stand firm | 1 Peter 5:12-14
Are you standing firm in your faith? Are you faithful in prayer and Bible study? Did you check out the other Christian disciplines in the link above?
Spiritual milk | 1 Peter 2:1-3
Babies naturally crave milk from their mother. Peter uses this analogy to encourage his readers to have the same attitude toward spiritual sustenance.
Restored and Raised | James 5:14-15
Here we have physical healing and spiritual healing. If the sickness is due to sin, the prayer of faith could bring forgiveness… as the sin is confessed.
How to be humble | James 4:7-10
James now gives us some practical guidance on how to humble ourselves and gives us hope that if we do humble ourselves (in repentance), God will exalt us
Keep in step | Galatians 5:24-26
The obedient dog (picture) looks up to the master and pays attention to where the owner is going and to see if they are giving them a command…or a treat!
2 minute gospel | Acts 17:22-31
Is 2 minutes enough to share the gospel and see someone saved? Not likely. It takes time. The Spirit must draw the person. They need to understand that they…
Walk by the Spirit | Galatians 5:16-24
When you walk the walk of life, are you doing it on your own? You will likely follow the desires of the flesh. Or do you stick to the Spirit & go where He goes?
Replacing Judas | Acts 1:15-20
Are you convicted as I am about your prayer life? Maybe we need more trials and uncertainty in life to force and encourage us to seek the Lord diligently.