It doesn’t seem fair. Joseph does the right thing to flee temptation and honor God and his master. But Potihpar’s wife frames him.
Tag Archives: sexual sin
More righteous than I | Genesis 38: 20-26
Three months later it becomes known that Tamar is pregnant. Judah calls for her to be killed for what she’s done…until he knows the baby is his.
Scheme conceived to conceive | Genesis 38:12-19
Tamar conceived a scheme to conceive the son she “deserves”. It’s likely that she has been plotting this for a while and was just looking for the right timing.
Baby on the way | Genesis 35:16-22a
Rachel, his “favorite wife”, for whom we worked 7 + 7 years for Laban, her dad, goes into labor on the way. She’s almost at menopause by this point, maybe 50+.
Father’s Failure -> Family | Genesis 19:30-38
It’s not just Lot’s sin of drunkenness that leads to this incident. It’s also his fear; it was contagious. His daughters feared they’d never have families.
Noah’s legacy – Ham | Genesis 10:6- 20
Two of Ham’s descendants are noteworthy. One is Canaan, who received the prophetic curse from Ham’s sin in chapter 9. The other is Nimrod, a “mighty one one”.
Noah’s legacy | Genesis 9:29-10:5
Righteous Noah, as all mankind, proved he was under the control of his sinful nature. He got drunk and exposed himself. His son sinned impacting Noah’s line.