Are you in despair simlar to Judas? Go beyond him. Confess your sin, yes. Repent, yes. But repent to God. And believe Christ died for you, a sinner.
Tag Archives: salvation
Dangerous preacher | Matthew 26:55-56
So in a significant way, Jesus was indeed dangerous. Not to the people He was there to serve (Matthew 20:28), but to God’s enemy, the Devil.
Lord’s Supper | Matthew 26:26-30
With His body, He gives spiritual life. Jesus is the Word made flesh (John 1:14). The intangible became tangible to give the intangible.
Blocking the way | Matthew 23:13
The first woe (judgment) is that these hypocrites will themselves not get to Heaven. Worse yet, they block the way to Heaven so others can’t enter.
Wedding feast rejection | Matthew 22:1-10
Have you responded to the call to the wedding feast? The master, God, is calling you. He’s prepared a place for you. Believe and go, in faith – in Jesus.
Work = believe | Matthew 21:28-32
Replace the word “work” with “believe” (as believe and follow Christ) and “change” with “repent”. Now read it again and you’ll get the full meaning.
Twist on a twist | Matthew 20:1-16
This parable helps us see what Jesus is teaching: the one hired last received the same as the first; and the first still got his. It’s a twist on a twist.
Who can be saved? | Matthew 19:23-26
Are you trusting in yourself or some other person, some other way, than Jesus Christ’s sacrifice to forgive you of your sin.
New in the faith | Matthew 18:5-6
Jesus commands us in Matthew 28:19 to make disciples. You don’t need to pray about it – other than asking God to lead and equip you. Just do it.
Lose to save paradox | Matthew 16:24-27
This lose/save paradox is a decisive act that continues daily. “The point of Jesus’ statement is that living for oneself now will result in a leaner life later