Here he was, between two Kings. He feared both. Whether Nehemiah had prepared for this event or it caught him off guard and he “winged it”, I don’t know.
Tag Archives: prayer
The prayer | Nehemiah 1:5-11a (NLT)
There’s the challenge. Now let’s delight in honoring the Lord, serving Him, obeying His commands. He is mighty. God is great & awesome. He keeps His covenants.
Fight on your knees | Nehemiah 1:4-11 (NLT)
“Like many since his time, Nehemiah’s greatness came from asking great things of a great God and attempting great things in reliance on him.”
Model corporate confession | Ezra 9:6-9 (AMP)
Ezra doesn’t hold himself aloof from the offending Jews. Rather, he sees that not only is he a Jew but also a sinner. We’re in this boat together.