In God’s economy (salvation, spiritual blessings in Heaven, etc.) husbands and wives are equal. We have the same means to be saved (Romans 3:23, 6:23).
Tag Archives: prayer
Effective correction | James 5:19-20
“Bringing someone back” to the truth. See a brother in a sin (Galatians 6:1, Matthew 18:15-18) and they lovingly confront them as Jesus lays out.
Effective prayer | James 5:16-18
The power of prayer is well known throughout the Bible. Effective prayer of a righteous person can have much great impact. We have Christ’s righteousness.
Time for me to fly | Acts 20:1-6
One of the challenges of a missionary is all the good-byes. You get to know someone and sometimes, they leave or you leave. It can be tough.
What’s your MO? | Acts 17:1-9
What is your MO? Are you faithful in Christian disciplines like attending church, worship, fellowship, giving, witnessing, etc? Is there evidence of your faith?
Casting out consequence | Acts 16:22-30
In our gospel sharing, who does the work? Surely we have a part, but the “heavy lifting”, the real work, is the Holy Spirit. That’s where the power lies!
Jail break! | Acts 12:6-11 (NLT)
Is there a situation you are facing right now, or one a family or friend is facing that is dire? Is it beyond all hope.? Has God been prompting you to pray?
Pray for Persecuted | Acts 12:1-5
We’ve seen that this early church spent much time in prayer so prayer (Acts 2:41-42) is their solution. “Fervent and persistent prayer”.
Together with one mind | Acts 4:23-28
Everyone immediately called out together for God’s help. They quoted God’s own words back to Him. This is always a good idea in our own prayer.
Matthias or Paul | Acts 1:21-26
Most would say that their approach and reasoning was spot on scripturally as we saw in the previous post and continued today. But was it God’s choice?