How important encouragement is! Remember when we first met Barnabas that he was called the son of encouragement. If you have the gift of encouragement, use it.
Tag Archives: Pharisees
Active Opposition | Acts 14:1-7
Are you doing the work God has called you to do? If you are, you will experience opposition and difficulties. Be encouraged that the Lord is with you.
Review Gentile reception | Acts 11:1-18
God told and proved it to Peter who told it to the rest of the church who now all accept the gentiles. The circle is completed.
Surprise disciples | Acts 6:7
What could be more wonderful than this? Some of the Jewish priests, those that were the most outspoken against Jesus as Messiah are now repenting and believing.
Wisdom in action | Acts 5:33-39
The wisdom that Gamaliel provides the council is quite powerful. If he was swayed by Jesus, he would have been a follower by now, even if secretly.
Responding to guilt | Acts 5:27-32
Guilt is setting in. As the apostles preached Jesus, crucified and risen from the dead, it seems the religious leaders were getting convicted of crucifying Him.
Using your resources | Matthew 27:57-61
Take a quick assessment of how you are using your resources. Your money, time, talent, abilities, and gifts. God is likely speaking to you right now about it!
Judgment on Jews* | Matthew 23:34-36
“With a strong assertion of certainty, Jesus predicted that God’s judgment would fall (v. 35) on the generation of Jews that rejected Him.”
Turn up the heat | Matthew 23:29-33
Just when you thought Jesus’ judgment on them couldn’t get worse, we get this woe. He says they are headed to a “sentence of hell”. There’s no kid gloves here.
Bondo job | Matthew 23:27-28
A stately, pretty, white tomb looks nice in the cemetery. But inside the tomb is not so pretty. The spiritual application is stronger: they were dead.