Are you involved in a ministry? If not, why not? Have you been asked to “switch fields”, to change the ministry location, focus, etc? Share in the comments.
Tag Archives: ministry
Switch ministry focus | Acts 18:5-11
Sometimes, we hit what seem like dead ends in ministry. Paul thought he did so switched focus. Jews believed – even the synagogue leader! God will work with us.
Worthy welcome | Matthew 10:5-15
There will be some who will welcome them and accept the teaching. These have their hearts prepared by the Lord and are seeking His Kingdom.
Sending power | Matthew 10:1-4
Like we shared a few posts ago, Jesus healed every disease and sickness. Now He’s empowering and sending His disciples to go and do the same.
Jesus heals everyone! | Matthew 9:35
He healed every sickness, every disease, every demon-possessed person. No exceptions. And the good news is, He’s still going about the same ministry.