Matthew now presents the lineage of Messiah through his father’s line, Joseph. We know that Jesus was not actually the son of Joseph (since Mary was a virgin
Tag Archives: lineage
The man Abraham | Genesis 11:27-32
Now we get to the story of 1 of the most well-known patriarchs of the Old Testament, the man of amazing faith. Abraham (originally Abram) comes on the scene.
Descendents of Shem | Genesis 11:10-26
The Babel account is not the end of early Genesis. If it were, the story would end on the sad note of human failure. But God’s grace once again supersedes sin
Noah’s legacy – Shem | Genesis 10:21-32
The main point for the genealogies with all the detail is to trace the lineage of the Israelites as well as those that are related to them-like the Canaanites.
Noah’s legacy – Ham | Genesis 10:6- 20
Two of Ham’s descendants are noteworthy. One is Canaan, who received the prophetic curse from Ham’s sin in chapter 9. The other is Nimrod, a “mighty one one”.
Noah’s legacy | Genesis 9:29-10:5
Righteous Noah, as all mankind, proved he was under the control of his sinful nature. He got drunk and exposed himself. His son sinned impacting Noah’s line.
Ancestry of Jews and you | Nehemiah 12:1-26
We trace our ancestry (spiritual ancestry) through Christ who, by the way, is both King and Priest. We are children of the King. Ephesians 1:5.