It’s more important that God knows us than we know God. Remember the terrible words of judgment in Matthew 7:21-23: ‘I never knew you.’
Tag Archives: idols
Condemnation to veneration | Acts 28*:1-6
As Paul didn’t succumb to the snake bite, the islanders were amazed. Were they were wrong? Was Paul not a criminal afterall? Maybe he is actually a god!
Pulling up stakes | Acts 19:21-27
After 2-3 years, Paul decides to pull up his stakes and take off for Macedonia and Achaia (other side of the Aegean Sea), then head back to Jerusalem and Rome.
Stoking the mob | Acts 19:28-34
The mob cheering for their false god. Does it remind you a bit of other events in stadiums where the crowd shouts the name of their, well, idol?
A dose of reason | Acts 19:35-41
He doesn’t deny their rights to seek damages but he wisely gives them a dose of reason: “This is why we have civil society. Use the system to make your claim.”
Fortune telling in the Bible | Acts 16:16-21
Divination “continues as those who … read palms, tea leaves, tarot cards, star charts, and more.” Much is smoke and mirrors; other is evil spirits.
History trial – God’s dwelling | Acts 7:44-50
Stephen concludes by telling his prosecutors and judges that though the Temple is magnificent, God had declared the obvious – it could in no way contain Him.
History trial – wrong worship | Acts 7:39-43
After God’s deliverance of Israel from Egypt through the Red Sea, they still rejected Moses – and God Himself. They longed to return to Egypt and its gods.
Where is yesterday’s post (Idols of the heart)?
Do you take a Sabbath? “Anything or Anyone that begins to Capture our Hearts and Minds and Affections more than God. It’s living on substitutes.” ~Brad Bigney
True family in God | Matthew 12:46-50
His point here is not to diss His own family, but to teach that His family is spiritual made up of all who will do “the will of My Father who is in heaven”.