Just when you thought Jesus’ judgment on them couldn’t get worse, we get this woe. He says they are headed to a “sentence of hell”. There’s no kid gloves here.
Tag Archives: hypocrite
Bondo job | Matthew 23:27-28
A stately, pretty, white tomb looks nice in the cemetery. But inside the tomb is not so pretty. The spiritual application is stronger: they were dead.
Lipstick on a pig | Matthew 23:25-26
Are you realizing that you are actually really dirty on the inside due to sin? Do you feel a weight of guilt you cannot get rid of? It always comes back?
Advertising piety| Matthew 23:1-7
These guys were very religious and made every effort to let everyone know it. What Jesus describes here seems like they are advertising their piety.
Blind judgment | Matthew 7:1-5
Jesus now addresses the way we think of and treat others. He tackles a sin that is common to all of us – hypocritically judging others.
Problematic prayer | Matthew 6:5-8
They sought, and got, the praise of men, but lost the praise of God. Worse yet, their prayers were probably not even heard.