Jesus, the perfect substitute, the righteous, sinless one, died in the place of the unrighteous. His sacrifice completely paid the penalty of the sin for all.
Tag Archives: forgiveness
Forgive as forgiven | Matthew 18:23-35
Though this parable provides many teaching points, (like we all like the wicked slave), we can’t miss the main point. Which is? Forgive as we’ve been forgiven.
Enough is enough | Matthew 18:21-22
Peter asks, “When is enough enough?” In other words, When is it time to stop forgiving and start punching? The common practice was to forgive 3 times.
Up the ante | Matthew 12:30-32
Not only does Jesus reprimand the Pharisees using simple logic for attributing His works to the devil, He now teaches they are committing the “unforgivable sin”
Only the sick need healing | Matthew 9:10-13
The people who know they are sick spiritually (sinners) know to seek the spiritual doctor for help. They can humble themselves to seek help.
Faith for Forgiveness first | Matthew 9:2-8
Why does Jesus “throw them a curve” and pronounce forgiveness first? It’s the opportunity to let all know He has power not just to heal but to forgive sins.
Forgiveness-a serious matter | Matthew 6:14-15
Forgiveness is not something to mess with. Jesus makes it pretty clear we need to forgive. But it is one of the most difficult things for man to do.
Reason for reconciliation | Matthew 5:23-24
The obvious reason to reconcile is for the sake of the relationship with the other. Another is so others know we are Christians by our love. (John 13:35)
Blessed are the merciful | Matthew 5:7
Did you (did I) act toward them with mercy? Judgment is easy and costs us nothing. Mercy is not so easy, it requires sacrifice. Just ask God.
Remission not revenge | Genesis 50:15-21
Now the tide has turned and Joseph can get revenge easily. But he understands God’s grace and providence in the whole event. He knows that his own suffering …