This expression (“unhindered”), which is literally Luke’s last word in Acts, says that largely through Paul’s activities, the Church is now unhindered.
Tag Archives: church
Church’s judgment | Acts 15:22-29
Do we need to keep these same rules given to the church at Antioch? It’s in the Bible so we must, right? Re-read the quote and 1 Cor 8.
Even more gentiles believe | Acts 11:19-21
Even more gentiles were believing. This was just the beginning of an explosion of gentiles coming to faith in Christ which would soon exceed the Jews doing so.
Review Gentile reception | Acts 11:1-18
God told and proved it to Peter who told it to the rest of the church who now all accept the gentiles. The circle is completed.
Overlooked for food | Acts 6:1-6
God gave the 12 wisdom for how to respond to the situation. It may seem they were proud and aloof -not wanting to get involved in serving. But I don’t think so.
Right under their noses | Acts 5:21b-26
The leaders were gathering in the temple to try the apostles. Yet the apostles were at the same time in the temple area preaching Jesus, right under their noses
Koinonia, not communism | Acts 4:32-37
Koinonia is not the same as communism. “It isn’t accurate to see this as an early form of communism. Communism is not koinonia.” Keep reading.
First Communism? | Acts 2:43-47
When most westerners think of communism we consider it evil or bad. Well, what we see displayed in the world this and last century is clearly not the same here.
Recipe for growth | Acts 2:41-42
The crowd responds to the Spirit’s conviction. Peter tells them to repent and be baptized – which they did. 3,000 are saved by the the Holy Spirit – in one day.
One mind and purpose | Acts 1:12-14
They have been commissioned to take the Good News everywhere and make disciples. They need help. Only when they are in one accord will they succeed.