Well, Joseph has more than a special talent, he’s got the Lord working on his behalf! God has a plan for him and He is working to fulfill it.
Tag Archives: blessing
Lord is with him | Genesis 39:1-6a
If there was one statement that summarized Joseph’s life, his epithet, this would be it: the Lord was with him. We see it repeated many times in this passage.
Jacob acknowledges God | Genesis 31:4-12
At the end of the dream, the Lord revealed Himself -that He is the same who appeared to Jacob when he left Cannan. The Lord reminds Jacob of his conditional vow
How to steal a blessing | Genesis 27:5-17
Do you find yourself guilty of doing the same – of trying to “help God” do His work? Taking matters into your own hands to make things happen?
Intended blessing | Genesis 27:1-4
Isaac intended to bless Esau. Most note that Isaac is more pleased with Esau and his “rough and ready”, outdoorsy spirit as stated in (Genesis 25:28) than Jacob
Confirmation of blessing | Genesis 26:26-33
Digging a well and finding water served to confirm Isaac in his selection of a place to settle and his means to get there through peace, and trust in the Lord.
All is well | Genesis 26:18-22
His perseverance pays off. Not only did he avoid conflict, through his patience and fortitude, God allowed him to finally find favor with the locals.
Not so well | Genesis 26:12-18
Eventually, the king ordered Isaac to leave. They couldn’t handle his affluence. They perceived he was becoming a threat. Things were not so well after all.
Ishmael interlude | Genesis 25:12-18
Ishmael, as God promised, had sons – 12 of them. Just like Isaac’s son, Jacob, will have twelve sons. These became the Arabs of today, most of whom are Muslim.
God who sees | Genesis 16:13-16
She calls Him, “the God who sees me”. She is overwhelmed by the Lord’s care for her, that He would come to her in her distress and speak to her.