Do we we read and delight in His Word?
The things we learn, we need to be diligent to put into practice. Let’s not be like the man in the metaphor.
Category Archives: James
No anger allowed | James 1:19-21
How get rid of anger? Get rid of all uncleanness … and with a humble spirit receive the word [of God] which is implanted… which is able to save your souls.
Right perspective on trials | James 1:2-4
He brings the test. We endure and pass the test. He rejoices with us and gives us a reward – a glorious one that is for eternity. That should motivate us!
Source of good | James 1:16-18
God is good and gives good gifts. Maybe it’s intentionally said here after talking about trials – so we know, without being deceived, that God gives good gifts.
Devil made me do it | James 1:12-15
Ever seen a bumper sticker: “The Devil made me do it.” Is it true? For that matter, does God make us do anything? I think not. God gave all mankind a free will.
Low is high is low | James 1:9-11
If you have worldly riches, how can you use them for God’s glory? If we really trust Jesus for salvation, then we trust His Word and what He says about Heaven.
No doubt allowed | James 1:5-8
Ask without doubt. When we need something from God, we need to ask. And when we ask, we ask in faith. We don’t leave any room for doubt.
Shotgun preaching | James 1:1-1
What stands out about James is there are so many directives on how to live as a Christian. He bounces all over the place using a shot-gun preaching style.