7 You husbands in the same way, live with your wives in an understanding way, as with [a]someone weaker, since she is a woman; and show her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers will not be hindered.
Created equal | 1 Peter 3:7 (NASB) 中文
From wives to husbands
Now that Peter has addressed the wives, he now turns his attention to the husbands. The wives must, in faith, follow the example of Sarah and submit to their husbands for it pleases God. As we said yesterday, as husbands love their wives, it makes this submitting easier.
In the same way
Just as wives are told, “in the same way” to follow the teaching of chapter 2, so husbands are. Submission, honor, love, suffering unjustly, trusting God are the things both husbands and wives need to do. They are equal in this. But how it is played out is a bit different due to different God-ordained roles and positions.
Still equal
But Peter stresses that in God’s economy, as it relates to salvation, spiritual blessings in Heaven, etc. husbands and wives are equal. We have the same means to be saved (Romans 3:23, 6:23) but can have some different means to acquire spiritual blessings. For example, as a wife submits to her husband, in faith and obedience to the Lord, she will be blessed – for this pleases God.
Weaker in what way?
The “weaker” aspect probably applies to the physical since wives can be just as qualified in all other ways. “Both the husband and the wife are ‘vessels’ (AV), but husbands are more typically similar to iron skillets, whereas wives resemble china vases, being more delicate.” (Constable commentary)
Men’s blessing
Now the blessing for husbands. In this verse, we see the negative from which we can derive the positive. If husbands do not treat their wives properly, they risk having their prayers unanswered. But if they do, their prayers will be answered. And James tells us in James 5:16b, “A prayer of a righteous person, when it is brought about, can accomplish much.” Imagine what that “much” is and how it can bring about blessings!
- Husbands, how do we live in an understanding way? “This brief charge carries profound implications. It requires active listening to the wife as well as a study of her temperament, emotions, personality, and thought patterns.” (Constable commentary) This is not passive, it’s active.
- How’s your prayer life? Do you pray regularly? Are you convinced of the power of prayer? Then you will be motivated by this charge from Peter. Otherwise, it will, sadly, fall on deaf ears.