Daily Word

Trusting in trials | 2 Peter 2:9-10a 

 9 So you see, the Lord knows how to rescue godly people from their trials, even while keeping the wicked under punishment until the day of final judgment. 10 He is especially hard on those who follow their own twisted sexual desire, and who despise authority.

2 Peter 2:9-10a (NLT) 中文 

Completing the thought

This section actually should have been tacked onto the last section. But since it was too long, I split it. 😁 Because Peter is continuing his discussion of how God deals with the unjust vs. the just. The previous post gave us some examples. Today he restates his point and lays the groundwork for a long diatribe against these false teachers who are plaguing his reader’s.

Balancing judgment and grace

Our God is an amazing God! Did I hear an Amen!? A funny example of this is common with new believers. A good friend of mine who is a teacher at a small school is a case in point. As a relatively new believer, we were discussing prayer and I was encouraging him that prayer is talking to God. Part of that is petitions. He replied, “But God is so busy, I don’t want to bother Him with my insignificant prayers!” I understood that he was relating to God as a teacher would and wondering how He could entertain all these requests at one time. After a quick introduction to the omnipotence of God, he started to understand.

God can handle it. So He can also manage to give the righteous the help they need in trials while at the same time make sure the unrighteous get their due.  Peter quickly describes these in v10 as ‘those who indulge in the corrupt passions of the sin nature, and despise authority.” (AMP version)

Trials savior

But let’s spend a little time delving into this idea of Jesus who knows how to rescue us from trials (v9). I highlighted “how to”. Why? Just like any good coach who is teaching life skills can rescue their student / mentee but they don’t always. In fact, a wise and capable coach sometimes allows – and even creates – tests and trials for a specific purpose. A Marine drill sergeant comes to mind. He knows combat missions are tough and dangerous; his recruits need to know how to face and persevere through all kinds of tests and trials. 

And Jesus, who is much more than a Marine drill sergeant, knows how to rescue us. And not just knows how but is able to and willing. When we are in the midst of a trial or test, He is by our side, even INside us (by the Spirit). But at the same time, He may want us to be in the trial. Speaking from experience, we can see how that is true and, the blessing that comes from it.

The foundation of knowledge of God and faith in Him must first exist so we can trust Him and His ways (Is 55:8-9). And this foundation is built on knowing Him through His Word and, believe it or not, through trials. Yes, trials build on more trials/tests.

What’s His goal in this? To build our faith in Him so we trust Him. Trusting Him brings Him immense praise and glory. And this is what we are here for!


  • Do you know that you are created to praise the Lord? I didn’t really realize this until after many years as a follower of Christ. Now life (and its trials) make so much more sense. 
  • The importance of knowing our God cannot be stressed enough. The more we know Him, the more we can trust Him. The more we trust Him, the more we can bring Him glory. How can we know Him more?
Drill sergeant. Image from militarytimes.com *

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