6 Just as Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness. 7 Therefore, recognize that it is those who are of faith who are sons of Abraham. 8 The Scripture, foreseeing that God [j]would justify the [k]Gentiles by faith, preached the gospel beforehand to Abraham, saying, “All the nations will be blessed in you.” 9 So then, those who are of faith are blessed with [l]Abraham, the believer.
Galatians 3:6-9 (NASB) 中文
Pure Gospel of Jesus
This letter from Paul to Christ followers living in the area of Galatia is all about the means of salvation. The Judiazer’s were spreading a false gospel which was the true gospel plus works (through the keeping of the Law – esp. circumcision). Paul sharply corrects this false teaching (that even affected the apostle Peter). We’re now in the theology section of the letter.
Are you a Jew?
How did the Jewish people identify themselves as Jews (even to this day)? By being born a Jew – physically. They point to Abraham as their father, the one whom God selected and called by grace to start the race. Anyone born in that line, with a Jewish mother (is the rule today), is a Jew.
Switching horses
But Paul boldly challenges that and switches horses from physical to spiritual. And of course, he’s led by the Spirit in his thinking and writing to do so. It was by grace that God called Abraham. He promised Abraham that he would have many descendents (Genesis 15:4-5). Beyond that, through him, through his seed, all the nations of the world (including gentiles) would be blessed (Genesis 12:3). Abraham believed God, he took him at His word, through many difficulties and God indeed blessed him. He blessed him with a son and, finally, with The Son. God worked through Abraham’s faith and credited it to him (an accounting term) as righteousness: righteousness by faith. (Genesis 15:6)
Inherit the blessing
Paul restates his point: it’s faith that matters, not works. He’ll be developing this idea as the letter continues. But do the readers understand and believe? He started the letter by blasting them with this truth and in the previous passage, pounded that nail again. Let’s see what’s next.
- Most of us studying this passage are not Jews by birth, not sons of Abraham. But are we spiritual descendents of Abraham? Have we “believed God and had our faith counted to us as righteousness”? Or are we still trusting in something in addition to gain God’s approval?
- Have you studied the OT much? Please do. It is the foundation for what we believe and know in the NT. Jesus often quoted the OT, as Paul does. It makes our understanding of Scripture and God much more full and vibrant.