Daily Word

Giving up what you love. John 3:16

Big day Sunday. Daughter, Joelle, wedded Tom. Not a little emotional. As I waited for Joelle outside alone taking in the moment and blending it with history, I wept. Words can’t describe the sadness of the feeling of losing one you love so dearly. Yet it was mixed with the hope of her future.

I had to come up with what I would say at the reception dinner. I asked the Father. And I asked quietly, in pain, “Do you know the pain of losing someone You love. You don’t have a daughter so maybe not.” But the immediate response that came to my mind and spirit was something like, “Yes. It’s true, I don’t have a daughter. But I have a Son.” I wept all the more as I replied, “OK, I get it. Thank you!”

John 3:16 “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him will not perish, but have eternal life.”

Father / daughter wedding reception dance.

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  1. I pray they will be happy together. I am sure there will be struggles and adjustments. I pray they will walk with Jesus.

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