Daily Word

Church correction | Matthew 18:15-17

15 “Now if your brother sins [k], go and [l]show him his fault [m] in private; if he listens to you, you have gained your brother. 16 But if he does not listen to you, take one or two more with you, so that on the [n] testimony of two or three witnesses every [o] matter may be confirmed. 17 And if he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, he is to be to you as [p] a Gentile and [q] a tax collector.

Matthew 18:15-17 (NASB)

Church correction

Jesus knows that His church will grow – like a mustard seed (Matthew 13:31). He knows there will be conflicts among its members and they will sin. So He gives these instructions in advance. It should be done according to a loving and caring process that seeks reconciliation and restoration of fellowship – in the church and with God.

We should note that this is discipline – not punishment. Punishment is focused on retribution for the past while discipline is focused on correction for the future. This is also important to keep in mind when dealing with children. And consider a previous post on this topic.

Against you?

Later manuscripts of the Bible add the text, “against you”…”sins against you”. So many consider this teaching to be focused on sin against another follower of Christ. However, it can also refer to other sins as well, not necessarily against another follower. Some examples are  cheating the government, public drunkenness, etc. The 1-2 witnesses seem to be there to testify about the sin, “refuses to listen to them”. Both understandings work.

The process

Jesus lays out a 4-step process:

  1. Go to the person who sinned directly – in love. Why? For starters, it’s less threatening and embarrassing – it protects them (and you). It’s also wise to hear the other person out – to get their side of the story (Proverbs 18:13). Hopefully, reconciliation and repentance occur and the matter is settled. Note: this surely is not for every offense. If it’s against another follower, it is better, if possible, to overlook an offense (Proverbs 19:11). Otherwise, pray for wisdom and love.
  2. If they don’t listen, go with 1-2 others. Why? Maybe extra accountability is necessary. It’s also better to have others to witness the reconciliation process. If it’s an offense between believers, the others can help mediate a solution. Again, it should be done in prayer and love. I’d suggest one of the witnesses be an elder in the church.
  3. If they still don’t listen, tell the larger body of followers. At this point, the offender is possibly rebelling against the authority God has put in place. Maybe the embarrassment can work to bring repentance. Hopefully the love of the body should encourage them.
  4. Finally, if still no change, they must be excommunicated – separated from the fellowship of the body. If we look at Paul’s teaching on this, we see this is a serious form of rejection (2 Thess. 3:14, Titus 3:10). Again, this is done – not in anger, but love. And the goal is for them to repent and return to the Lord and the body of Christ.

NB: Matthew, who wrote this, was a former tax collector. He knew exactly what it was like!


  • Have you been offended by another believer? Prayerfully take action and follow these steps. Don’t gossip or let it burn inside you with resentment and unforgiveness. Both are sinful. If step 1 doesn’t work, consider a peacemaker, arbitrator, or Pastor. Consider this link to Peacemaker Ministries.
  • Are you aware of the significant offense of another – other than against you? Don’t just overlook it. Ask God what your role is. It may be to humbly and lovingly, in prayer, go to them and explain what you see and listen to them. 
Image from time.com

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