Jesus reminds His hearers of the best way, God’s intended way. The principle is: don’t oppose the evil person; humble yourself and trust the Lord.
Monthly Archives: July 2023
To vow or not to vow | Matthew 5:33-37
So Jesus wasn’t saying “No” to all vows. In fact He supported them by saying, “when you vow”. And when we make a vow, let our word be sufficient.
Divorce, the root | Matthew 5:31-32
And in His grace, God allowed that and even put it into the law. In Mk 10:1-12, Jesus says that this was permitted, “because of your hardness of heart”.
Get rid of it! | Matthew 5:29-30
Rather, Jesus was teaching that sin is in the heart. Now He’s teaching that we need to get rid of the source of sin. Pluck out our heart? No. . .
Adultery exposed | Matthew 5:27-28
But you know what Jesus is doing here? He’s exposing adultery at its source…the heart. This is really teaching on all sin – for all sin comes from the heart.
Legal reconciliation | Matthew 5:25-26 (ESV)
If we can humble ourselves and trust the Lord to forgive us for our wrong and protect us from being taken advantage of, we’ll be better off.