Daily Word

Reason for reconciliation | Matthew 5:23-24

23 Therefore if you are presenting your offering at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, 24 leave your offering there before the altar and go; first be reconciled to your brother, and then come and present your offering.

Matthew 5:23-24 (NASB)

More on personal relationships

Jesus continues with more instruction on how to handle personal relationships that involve disagreement. Yesterday it was about anger and how it can lead to sin, even to murder. Now he turns to the importance of reconciliation. 

Reason for reconciliation

Reconciliation is important between people, especially fellow followers of Christ. The obvious reason is for the sake of the relationship with the other. Another reason is so others know we are Christians by our love for one another. (John 13:35)

Higher reason for reconciliation

But there is a higher reason for reconciliation. It’s the spiritual aspect. The fact that as children of God, we have a relationship with Him. When we are at odds with another follower of Christ, we impact our (and possibly their) relationship with the Father. Ultimately, it demonstrates God’s reconciling with us through the death of Christ.

How to reconcile?

How do we reconcile? First we need to recognize that it’s a priority. Even if we’re in the midst of doing something else, when we become aware (convicted) that we need to reconcile, we should make it a priority to do so. 

This is especially true if we are in the process of worshiping or serving the Lord. How can we worship with a pure heart when we know we’re guilty of sin – a sin regarding relationships. God wants us to be right with others and Him before we come to worship. Doing otherwise will invalidate our worship. Be quick to reconcile and repent. 

A few other thoughts for the process to reconcile when you have offended another. 1) Pray first to have the spirit of reconciliation. Consider this link to Peacemaker Ministries for more on being a peacemaker. 2) Humble yourself. Pride is a huge barrier to reconciliation. 3) Listen to hear how you have hurt the other person. 4) Take responsibility for your part, your sin, and confess it and repent. Only discuss the other person’s sin if they bring it up and ask for forgiveness – which will usually be part of the process. 5) Pray with the other and ask God to restore the relationship. And seek the Lord individually to restore your relationship with Him, for when we sin against others, we are sinning against our Lord.


  • Is the Spirit bringing someone to mind right now? That’s the way He works. Take action now. Leave your gift at the altar, so to speak, and pick up the phone or make an appointment to reconcile.
Pray & reconcile with His Word. Image from foxnews.com *

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