25 So they went up from Egypt, and came to the land of Canaan to Jacob their father, 26 and they said to him, “Joseph is still alive, and indeed he is ruler over all the land of Egypt.” But Jacob was stunned and his heart almost stopped beating, because he did not believe them. 27 When they told him everything that Joseph had said to them, and when he saw the wagons which Joseph had sent to carry him, the spirit of their father Jacob revived. 28 And Israel (Jacob) said, “It is enough! Joseph my son is still alive. I will go and see him before I die.”
Genesis 45:25-28 (AMP)
The ride home
The brothers make the trip from Egypt back to Canaan to tell their father, Jacob, that Joseph is actually alive. He’s not dead – as they had previously led him to believe. Not only that, he’s the ruler of Egypt – even that in his hand lies the power of life and death for them! They have loads of goods and donkeys and carts. Each of the sons has on new clothes.
Heart attack
Jacob was so stunned that it seems he had a heart attack! His heart almost stopped beating. The original Hebrew says, his heart became numb. He just couldn’t believe it. Remember, 20 something years ago he was lied to by the brothers that Joseph was dead, killed by a wild animal. Now they tell him he’s alive.
It is enough
It wasn’t until he saw all the goods and animals and carts that he revived. He immediately decided he’d go to see Joseph. No time to waste. Go while he’s still alive. “Jacob often struggled with doubts and fears, but here he believed in Joseph the way we should believe in Jesus.” (enduringword.com) He hears the good news, believes then acts on it.
- The shock that overcame Jacob is similar to that which overcame the disciples then they heard Jesus was resurrected from the dead! Peter and John immediately ran to the tomb to confirm for themselves. (John 20:3-4) Sometimes it’s the experience of nonbelievers when they realize their sins are forgiven.
- Have you responded to the good news that Jesus Christ suffered in your place for your sin? Choose to believe and act on it. Click here for more help.