Jacob built an altar. He calls it El-Elohe-Israel – meaning “God, the God of Israel”. Seems like a good thing to do, right? My take on this is he feels guilty.
Monthly Archives: March 2023
Warm welcome | Genesis 33:4-11
What a surprise! Rather than running at him with a spear and sword to kill him, Esau runs to him with outstretched arms.
Out in front | Genesis 33:1-3
Lest we think Jabob has fallen back into fear, he demonstrates courage and manly responsibility. He puts himself out in front.
Wrestle for life | Genesis 32:22-32
Why could the man (God or an angel) not “prevail against Jabob”? He’s certainly more powerful; he dislocated Jacob’s hip with a touch.
Pacify the problem | Genesis 32:13-21
Jacob fist thought to split into 2 camps. Now he tries the “kill them with kindness” approach. He seeks to pacify the problem. Did God give him this new idea?
Desperate cry | Genesis 32:6-12
Have you been there? The “sky is falling” around you. You are afraid of what might happen or what might not happen – like the horrible situation won’t change.
Angels of encouragement | Genesis 32:1-5
As he sets out, angels (not just one) meet him on the way. The text indicates a “camp” of angels. It’s like Jacob has his camp and God provided another camp.
Bye bye Laban | Genesis 31:51-55
Laban “rides off into the sunset” and we never hear of him again. He is not part of the line of Christ and has no other interaction with God’s chosen people.
Mine, mine all mine | Genesis 31:43-50
He acts like a little bully who just lost a fight: “It’s mine, mine, all mine!” He makes a baseless claim to try and restore some semblance of dignity.
Jacob lays into Laban | Genesis 31:36-42
He really laid into him. Can you picture the scene? The shoe is on the other foot. Laban must have been completely humiliated – and in front of everyone.