She calls Him, “the God who sees me”. She is overwhelmed by the Lord’s care for her, that He would come to her in her distress and speak to her.
Monthly Archives: December 2022
God who hears | Genesis 16:7-12
Even though Ishmael wasn’t the chosen son, God still blesses him. What did he do to deserve it? Nothing. What did Abram do? Nothing. What do we do? Nothing.
Doing God’s work | Genesis 16:1-6
Rather than trusting God and doing it His way, they decided they’d do God’s work for Him. This will to lead to trouble that lasts, believe it or not, to today.
Smoking pot and torch | Genesis 15:17-21
God committed to uphold both sides. “Therefore, the certainty of the covenant God made with Abram is based on who God is, not on who Abram is or what Abram …
God’s timing | Genesis 15:12-16
Our times are in His hands. What happens tomorrow, how long we live, it’s all His knowing. Can we rully rest in Him, in His wisdom and love?
OK to ask | Genesis 15:7-11 (ESV)
Does this show a lack of the faith he was just praised for? Or, is it an honest question that says, “I believe, can you let me in on the details?”
Believe -> righteousness | Genesis 15:1-6
Of all the things Abraham is known for, this is the crown. It defines the basis of salvation- faith. Almighty God gives a promise and Abram believes, full stop.
Insight into Abram’s spirit | Genesis 14:21-24
This gives more insight into the question about Abram’s ongoing relationship with the Lord. He clearly kept that going in between the Lord’s appearances to him.
Melchizedek High Priest | Genesis 14:17-20
Hebrews makes it clear he is a type of Christ.”Some propose that Melchizedek was actually a pre-incarnate appearance of Jesus Christ, or a Christophany.”
God’s in the battle | Genesis 14:13-16
Abram was a type of Christ as he saved Lot. Lot was living in sin and taken captive in it due to his bad choices. Abram, in love and faith, went to save him.