Remember the children’s story of Chicken Little? Lot ran to his sons-in-law and pleaded with them to heed the warning and leave the city before destruction came
Monthly Archives: December 2022
Hospitality or hostility? | Genesis 19:1-11
The men of the city, in stark contrast to Abraham and Lot, truly offered hostility rather than hospitality. “They were willing to break all principles …
Bold intercession | Genesis 18:22-33
Abraham knows the Lord is just and righteous so will judge Sodom and Gomorrah. He also knows He is merciful and gracious so he sets about to make this appeal.
In the Lord’s confidence | Genesis 18:16-21
God confides in Abraham since He’s called him to be a great nation that follows the Lord. Through him (Immanuel), all the nations of the earth will be blessed.
The last laugh | Genesis 18:9-15
Sarah also laughed – but her’s (compared to Abraham’s) seems to reflect unbelief; for the Lord’s response in v 14 is, “Is anything too difficult for the LORD?”
Middle Eastern hospitality | Genesis 18:1-8
Within three months of Abraham receiving the covenant of circumcision, this incident occurs. These 3 men come purposely to his tent and I presume he knows that.
Immediate obedience – 2 | Genesis 17:23 – 27
“Abraham’s belief in the covenant was proved by his obedience to the command. What we really believe will show in our actions…”
Isaac not Ishmael | Genesis 17:15-22
God makes it very clear -the covenant is with (yet-to-be-born) Isaac (son of promise), not Ishmael, the son of man’s way. It’s as simple as that: faith vs works
Covenant of Circumcision | Genesis 17:9-14
But Christians (male and female) should be circumcised…in the heart. Colossians 2:8–12 (ESV) says, “In him also you were circumcised with a …
Preparation for the promise | Genesis 17:1-8
In preparation for this promised son, the Lord gives new names to Abram and Sarai, He gives a new covenant symbolized by circumcision, and renews the promises.