Daily Word

The Salvation boat | Genesis 6:17-22

17 For behold, I, even I, will bring a flood of waters on the earth, to destroy all life under the heavens in which there is the breath and spirit of life; everything that is on the land shall die. 18 But I will establish My covenant (solemn promise, formal agreement) with you; and you shall come into the ark—you and your [three] sons and your wife, and your sons’ wives with you.

19 And of every living thing [found on land], you shall bring two of every kind into the ark, to keep them alive with you; they shall be male and female. 20 Of fowls and birds according to their kind, of animals according to their kind, of every crawling thing of the ground according to its kind—two of every kind shall come to you to keep them alive. 21 Also take with you every kind of food that is edible, and you shall collect and store it; and it shall be food for you and for them.” 22 So Noah did this; according to all that God commanded him, that is what he did.

Genesis 6:17-22 (AMP) 

Destruction method

Noah is now told how the Lord will destroy the wicked on the earth. God will use a flood to destroy all living things that breathe. When He says, “behold, I, even I,” it’s as if God is saying, “I that am infinite in power, and therefore can do it; infinite in justice, and therefore will do it.” (Wesley’s commentary)

Most scholars believe there had been no rain on the earth which further attested to Noah’s faith. He believed God would do something never before seen or done. But He would spare Noah and his family plus a sample of every living thing (and seven pairs of all clean animals – we’ll see tomorrow). Noah was to bring food for his family and all the animals that could last – maybe even beyond the flood until new crops could grow.

Salvation boat

“Noah found favor in the eyes of the Lord.” (v8) God decided to save a remnant of man and of the animals. He preached to the world around him. Noah was saying: “Destruction is coming.  The only way to be saved is through this boat. You must believe what I tell you.”  Hebrews records this whole event in one verse. “By faith Noah, being warned by God about things not yet seen, in reverence prepared an ark for the salvation of his household, by which he condemned the world, and became an heir of the righteousness which is according to faith.” (Hebrews 11:7)

Alas, even though God picked the most (only) righteous man to start over, mankind still repeated the sins of their ancestors facilitated by the sinful nature likewise inherited. 


  • God is the all-powerful, all-just One who chose to demonstrate both with this flood. Yet in the midst, He demonstrated grace and provided a way of salvation for the righteous ones, righteous by faith.
Lifeboat on container ship. Image from Pxfuel.com

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