Daily Word

Judgment for the “seeing” | John 9:39-41

39 Then Jesus said, “I came into this world for judgment [to separate those who believe in Me from those who reject Me—to declare judgment on those who choose to be separated from God], so that the sightless would see, and those who see would become blind.” 40 Some Pharisees who were with Him heard these things and said to Him, “Are we also blind?” 41 Jesus said to them, “If you were blind [to spiritual things], you would have no sin [and would not be blamed for your unbelief]; but since you claim to have [spiritual] sight, [you have no excuse so] your sin and guilt remain.

John 9:39-41 (AMP)

Jesus has restored the sight of the man born blind along with his dignity. He has given him hope and led him to eternal life. Yesterday we noted the progress of this man’s faith and how he viewed Jesus: First as “a man”, culminating in worshiping Him as Lord. ”This shows that this process sometimes, indeed usually, involves stages of illumination.” (planobiblechapel.org

Now he turns to the Pharisees who were with him and gives some strong words. 

Judgment role

Jesus says, “I came into this world for judgment,”. This echoes John 5:22 (“For the Father judges no one, but has given all judgment to the Son,”).  It seems to contradict, however, John 3:17 (“For God did not send the Son into the world to judge and condemn the world”). Thankfully, the AMP version adds explanations for both verses to help understand. This quote from planobiblechapel.org succinctly explains: “Judging was the result of His coming, not the reason for it.”

Judgment content

Jesus zeros in on the Pharisees around him. He uses irony to speak directly to them.  It’s important to note that their key sin was not adultery, theft, etc., but, unbelief. “Their sin of unbelief remained with them, and they remained in their sin and under God’s condemning wrath (John 3:36). Light causes some eyes to see, but it blinds other eyes. Jesus’ revelations had the same effects.” (planobiblechapel.org)

It’s also important to note that Jesus still cares about the Pharisees and reaches out to them. Yes, he uses sharp language – but that is because their hearts are so hard. Just the fact that He interacts with them and does not dismiss them outright reveals His love.

<- Reflection ->
  • I wonder if overexposure to the light (listening to messages and podcasts, etc.) can actually lead to blindness.
  • It’s wonderful to see Jesus’ compassion – for the blind man, and even the Pharisees. Let’s imitate Him.

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  1. Once we become the light of the world (Matthew 5:14), there’s no overexposure to the light, just like the Father’s light wouldn’t blind Jesus.
    I see the overexposure problem when it’s towards preconceived ideas that blind us to see our sins (making us prideful) or our Redeemer (making us hopeless). Just like the spiritual blindness that Paul describes of those who have their conscience seared with hot iron (I Timothy 4:2).

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